Numeric keypads for smart lock

How to Add a Keypad to your Smart Lock

Find out how to add the FreePad keypad to your lock

How to Add a Keypad to your Smart Lock

Nowadays, technology advances at a rapid rate, so it’s no surprise that the demand for more versatile, self-contained access systems is constantly growing. In fact, we see fewer and fewer electronic locks or Bluetooth access devices that do not have an integrated keypad.

Nevertheless, there are some; meanwhile, users continue to demand greater convenience opening doors without having to carry anything physical, like a key or card. Luckily, there are quick and easy devices providing an ideal solution to this problem: the wireless keypad.

At Omnitec Systems, for example, we have the FreePad numeric keypad. In this article, we are going to tell you about its many advantages and explain how you can add this keypad to your smart lock.

Discover the Omnitec FreePad numeric keypad

As we were saying, if you have a Bluetooth device without a keypad, such as an electronic lock, an electronic cylinder or access control, our FreePad keypad will be your best ally.

What is it exactly? Well, it is an accessory for these devices. It lets you access areas quickly and safely using a numerical code, without having to use a physical card.

FreePad, numerical keypad for smart locks

It requires no cables or any kind of complex installation. The keypad is simply attached to the wall, in a standalone configuration.

Advantages of using the FreePad with your smart lock

What are the advantages of using the FreePad numeric keypad? Many come to mind:

  • Greater autonomy and convenience: With this device, you are not depending on your smartphone or a physical key, which can be lost. All you need to do is remember a code, giving you more autonomy than ever.
  • Simple setup: Setting up the FreePad is a simple process. You can do it in just a few minutes. Using the Omnitec app, you simply associate the keypad with your access control devices.
  • Quick Installation: Forget about complex installations and wiring. You only need only two screws and a couple of minutes to attach the keypad to the wall and start enjoying all its benefits.
  • Guaranteed Security: If your keypad is stolen, you have nothing to worry about. The system can associate a different keypad to the lock in question, so you can continue using the lock without any problems.

FreePad keypad technical features

The FreePad is not only easy to install and use, it is also designed to give you the greatest possible flexibility. Let's have a look at all its technical features in more detail:

  • It is compatible with some of Omnitec's most complete devices: The X-RP electronic cylinder, the Opak access control, and the Lockerfy BLE lock for lockers and furniture, as well as SLIM and EVO Bluetooth electronic locks.
  • It works with batteries, so it can be installed anywhere, without having to worry about proximity to a power source. It also alerts you if the battery is low.
  • It is an anti-vandal device. Manipulating its cables or the printed circuit board to gain entry is completely impossible.
  • Its numerical code supports up to 16 digits which is synonymous with a high level of security.

Some Omnitec Numeric Keypad Use Cases

Here are some of the places and situations where our FreePad keypad provides great added value:

  • Tourist accommodation. If you have a holiday apartment, you can offer your guests the convenience of accessing each room independently. This is something they will definitely appreciate.
  • Offices: In a compartmentalised workspace like an office, this keypad can be very useful. Providing access to different areas or departments with a simple code improves both the safety and convenience of workers.
  • Homes: In a home, the FreePad provides each family member with safe, easy access, without needing to carry physical keys.

Choose the freedom and security of our FreePad

As you can see, at Omnitec we are committed to creating secure, easy-to-use access solutions for you; devices capable of making your daily life easier - and that of your guests! The FreePad numeric keypad is just one more example of our constant commitment to innovation.

What are you waiting for? Enjoy the convenience and autonomy that this keypad gives you. Get yours now. If you have any questions, please contact our team and we will be happy to answer them for you.