One of the important challenges for institutions is to guarantee the safety of their facilities, workers and information. Both small citizens’ advice bureaus and maximum security buildings must control who, when and how people enter so as not to compromise national security. Omnitec’s centralised, streamlined and scalable system guarantees the control required.

An access control system can manage entry and exit for institutions and government and public buildings with total guarantee and security.
Institutional buildings

Maximum security in institutional buildings

The centralized, agile and scalable system of OMNITEC allows to undertake the access control system adapted to the security levels required by the premises.

Institutional Buildings

Access control in institutions

State, regional and municipal entities require comprehensive, multipurpose and scalable access control systems that adapt to their current, medium and long term future security needs. Government and public buildings usually require an access control system to deal adequately with the access of visitors and authorised personnel.

A change of use for a building should not require the access control devices to be replaced, even with a markedly different security level change. An integrated software system with versatile devices allowing free passage and two-step identification guarantees the security and flexibility for current and future entry access plans.

Modern Institutional Buildings

The management of doors locked or unlocked according to a predefined schedule, preventing access in emergency situations that require it or where users themselves release or lock doors to rooms are some of the most valued services to guarantee security without affecting the operation or productivity of the public body.

Installing turnstiles and gates in areas with high access restrictions provides exclusive access for authorised personnel, while the presence of personnel in the building is controlled at all times.

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