Silent Mini Fridges

Top 3 Silent Mini Fridges (0 dB)

Find the best silent mini fridge on the market with Omnitec.

Top 3 Silent Mini Fridges (0 dB)

Finding all the necessary amenities for a hotel room is not an easy task. In fact, it can be one of the most difficult for a hotel establishment, as it requires putting yourself in your guest's shoes and analysing every detail to make sure they feel as if they are in their own bedroom at home.

It involves, among other things, choosing the best hotel minibars; taking into account features such as their cooling power, storage capacity and energy efficiency. Also, there are other equally important factors that can go unnoticed; such as the noise level emitted by these mini fridges.

This may initially seem less important, but it certainly is not; as there is nothing a guest values more than absolute peace and quiet when they enter their hotel room. And if there is any sound that can disturb that peace, it is, without doubt, the minibar.

As we want you to be able to equip your hotel as it deserves, in this post we reveal which are the 3 best silent mini fridges on the market..

Benefits of a silent mini fridge

First of all, we’ll explain the concept of a 0 dB mini fridge more clearly.

As you may know, the noise emitted by any type of fridge is measured in decibels (dB), with this figure normally being declared on its energy label..

In general, a standard mini fridge emits 47 dB; if it exceeds this figure, it is considered noisy. However, if it emits 41 dB, it can be described as rather silent.

Nowadays, we are lucky enough to have an increasingly wide range of mini fridges on the market that are considered silent, with a noise level of 0 dB.. This means there is a total absence of noise perceptible to the human ear.

The advantages of silent mini fridges for tourist establishments, such as hotels, are obvious. They:

  • Improve the comfort of guests and, therefore, the quality of their stay.
  • Promote a healthier environment throughout the building, free of noise pollution.
  • Increase the productivity, of hotel staff, which is fundamental in shared working areas and offices.
  • Have lower energy consumption and last longer, as they normally employ cutting-edge technology.

What are the best silent small fridges for your hotel?

Now that you know the many benefits of a silent small fridge, you will be eager to know how you can find the best one.

To choose the most suitable one, you must look at numerous factors that affect its functionality and performance, as well as noise..

For example, its design, its ability to maintain the right temperature at all times to keep food fresh, its portability and the array of different compartments and shelves it has.

Taking all these features into account, our suggested ranking is as follows:

1. Pure-N absorption mini fridge

Nevera pequeña silenciosa PURE-N

The Pure-N absorption hotel minibar from Omnitec Systems is powerful, elegant and 100% silent..

It has cutting-edge technology, including a smart thermostat (which your guests will not be able to adjust), an oversized diffuser, an auto-defrost system and an LED light inside. All these features contribute to its energy efficiency and minimise the need for maintenance.

It also has compartments of modifiable height and depth, depending on what you want to store in them. It has a customisable glass door and is available in two different sizes: 30 and 40 litres.

2. Pure-T Thermoabsorption Mini Fridge

Nevera pequeña silenciosa PURE-N

Also in the ranking is our Pure-T thermoabsorption hotel minibar. It is a later development of the above fridge, with very similar features, except that it uses thermoabsorption, technology, making its cooling even more efficient and totally silent.

To better understand what we mean, you can read our article on the differences between absorption and thermoabsorption technologies.

The Pure-T achieves absolute silence because it has no compressors, fans or moving parts – it simply doesn’t need them!

This small refrigerator, also from Omnitec, is available in 4 different versions, depending on its size (30 or 40 litres) and door design (solid or glass). If you are looking for a small, silent, energy-efficient and top of the range, fridge, this is the one for you.

3. Arco Drawer Minibar fridge

Nevera pequeña silenciosa PURE-N

Another slightly different but equally advantageous option is our Arco drawer minibar fridge for hotels, which slides open at the front. This provides extra convenience that your guests may greatly appreciate.

It has an adjustable temperature and a size up to 41 litres. The best thing about this minibar is the noise level it emits, equivalent to 0 dB.

As with the Pure-T, it uses thermoabsorption technology and has numerous interesting features, such as the auto-defrost system, an additional tray and adjustable dividers.

Trust Omnitec when buying your ideal small fridge

As you can see, all the fridges in our top 3 ranking have something in common besides their imperceptible noise level: you can get them all at Omnitec Systems.

Our minibars are present in hotels around the world, as are our electronic locks and safes. We are one of the most recognised brands in this sector, and the quality of our solutions is guaranteed.

If you’d like to acquire any of the fridges we’ve been talking about for your hotel rooms, please; contact us!